Sunday 31 December 2017

1st January 2018

1st January 2018 ! 

There are always certain rituals about 1st January.  

The first one is the thought that always crosses my mind on the 1st day of the year is "Whew ! The last year just whizzed past  ... ! ' Time seems to fly and each year 365 days seems to shrink and become smaller and smaller.  Why so ? With all the automation and technology , we should have had more time in our hands. We should have been able to do the things that we want to do . But that seems an eutopia. Strange ...

The second ritual is all about setting goals and resolutions.  But again , by the time two to three weeks go by,  the goals and resolutions just dissolve and we are back to our old self. 

Th third ritual is about wishing our near and dear ones a happy and prosperous new year. Earlier , I used to send cards. Then it became phone calls. Then it was SMS . And now, it is just a whatsapp message , that too maybe some GIF forwarded by someone else ..

Having said all that, I don't think I have become that cynical so as to not have any resolutions this year.  But maybe , I want to change what I want an how I want . Here goes ...

  • I want to be Happy : I want to live in the moment. The present.  I want to enjoy the small things in life like meeting friends, taking  care of my health, wearing a new dress, reading a good novel, be with my family.
  • I want to save time : I will not waste time on things that do not add value to me.  I will not talk to people who spread negative energy in my life. I will ration my time for social media. I will not over react or over think about any stressful situations. 
  • I want to start over : This is one big risk which I want to take and foray into a new area in my career. It will be like starting over. I might face failure. But I think it will give me greater joy. 
  • I want to follow my passion : There are some things which I have been procrastinating for the last few years. This year I want to work towards it and accomplish my goal.  
  • I want to talk, meet and touch : Instead of the virtual world, I want to talk to my near and dear ones. I want to see or hear  their laughter and not any emoji. 

They say that instead of goals , make habits . And to make a habit, you have to do that act continuously for 30 consecutive days.  And the first day is today !

I wish all my readers a very happy new 2018 ! 

I am sure all of you have at least one resolution and I hope you will achieve it !

Cheers !